Due to back-end server costs, I've shut it down.
If you wanna know the way how this web-app worked, please watch the video in the index page!
stranger things face similarity

Check out the face-similarity matching process and find out who you look like

You'll be matched with one of these characters:

Your Face Identity is similar to ... !
Guess Who? Just do the process to make sure!

Powered By Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning



  • Your photo should not have much background textures
  • The dimension of your photo is better to be more than 200x200
  • Your photo doesn't need to be cropped to contain just the face. The process will recognise the face!
  • Your photo should contain one face because the process will consider the first face that is recognised!

Drag and drop an image here or click

Behind The Scene

    • Why?
      • To have some fun
      • To make some learnings -- our learning, not machine learning :)
      • To know which character our face is matched the most with
    • Method?
      • Machine learning approach (Convolutional Neural Network)


      • Gather dataset (11 classes)
      • Write feature obtainer function (HOG + LBP + GB)
      • Find the best network architecture
      • Train Data
      • Achieve model

      You can find slim version of the dataset I've gathered in kaggle: dataset

    • Accuracy?
    • ~ 78 percent
    • Version?
    • v0.1.8
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